The network aims to unite people who are dedicated to the development and promotion of their particular artistic practise and who are keen to collaborate with other members on projects and events presented by the network or the individual.

Create Portugal é uma rede para artistas e artesãos de várias nacionalidades que vivem em Portugal. A rede tem por objectivo unificar pessoas que se dedicam ao desenvolvimento e promoção da sua prática individual artística e para quem é entusiasta na colaboração com outros membros em projectos e eventos apresentados pela rede ou de forma individual.



Here are fotos taken by artist Richard Hartnoll of our exhibition just before  and during the inauguration. 
The exhibition shows just how talented the Create Portugal artists are, with great diversity and skill dispayed in their works - Congratulations!

 Thank you to Luísa Cotrim at the library of Santarém and her team.

If you haven´t been to see the show, please pay a visit - it runs until the 26th October.

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