The network aims to unite people who are dedicated to the development and promotion of their particular artistic practise and who are keen to collaborate with other members on projects and events presented by the network or the individual.

Create Portugal é uma rede para artistas e artesãos de várias nacionalidades que vivem em Portugal. A rede tem por objectivo unificar pessoas que se dedicam ao desenvolvimento e promoção da sua prática individual artística e para quem é entusiasta na colaboração com outros membros em projectos e eventos apresentados pela rede ou de forma individual.


Interview on RTP Mais Perto! "ARTE=MUSICA=ARTE" Exhibition in the Posto do Tourismo, Dornes

Very happy to watch the interview on RTP Mais Perto about Dornes, featuring Smulders-Waijers ElsAgneta Ohrstrom BjorkmanJacqueline Arriaga da CunhaTom Bund and Francisca da Silva exhibition, currently showing at the Posto de Tourismo, Dornes in collaboration with the music festival in Ferreira do Zezere. Brian MacKay.
To watch the interview, click on link
Please visit the exhibition 
"ARTE=MUSICA=ARTE"  which is on until 1st September.

Parabens to everyone involved and Congratulations too all the artists of Create Portugal for keeping the network alive and thriving. 👏💙😊


Create Portugal Artists EXHIBITION at the Zezere Arts Music Festival 2018

Im delighted to announce Create Portugal's talented artists once again exhibiting their beautiful art at the music festival in Ferreira do Zezere, Portugal.
Five artists are exhibiting their photography and paintings which depict each artist's response to music.
The exhibition is being held at the Tourist Office in Dornes from the 16th July to the 31st August. 
Please see the posters below for times and details. 
Please come and visit this joyful exhibition in the stunning setting of Dornes and attend one of the concerts too!