The network aims to unite people who are dedicated to the development and promotion of their particular artistic practise and who are keen to collaborate with other members on projects and events presented by the network or the individual.

Create Portugal é uma rede para artistas e artesãos de várias nacionalidades que vivem em Portugal. A rede tem por objectivo unificar pessoas que se dedicam ao desenvolvimento e promoção da sua prática individual artística e para quem é entusiasta na colaboração com outros membros em projectos e eventos apresentados pela rede ou de forma individual.


Invite: Pop-Up Art Show and Soiree by Create Portugal Artists

click for Map to venue

Please visit us as we display our art for one evening only in an informal, lively venue.
Come and enjoy a glass of wine and meet the artists.

Invitation: Exhibition and painting live this weekend!

Mary St. George and 3 other artists will be exhibiting and painting live on the 22nd June.
Taking place in the beautiful venue of Flores de Cabo, Pe de Serra in Colares.

Pop-Up Party, finale in Cascais loja!

 The shop exhibition


It was a very successful week for the artists´of Create Portugal.
Plans to do it again are brewing...
Thank you to our visitors from all over the world and for your positive comments and support.


Pop-Up exhibition, Cascais. Putting up the show...

Short film of exhibition 10 > 10 Pop-Up show, Cascais, Portugal. Work by 13 artists of the Create Portugal network.

Short film of exhibition 10 > 10 Pop-Up show, Cascais, Portugal. 
Work by 13 artists of the Create Portugal network. Rebecca Rason Flor Ferreira, Heather Taylor, Carla Soares Martinho, Jacqueline Arriaga Da Cunha, Katherine McLaughlin, Karen Lawrence Bright, Maria-Filomena Canadas, Richard Hartnoll, Marsha Turner Pluhar, Catherine Portal ceramics, Mary St. George, Marta Pimenta Moreira, Ruth Hurst.

Open 3- 9 June~
Rua Visconde da Luz, 1
Cascais. Portugal

Francisca da Silva is taking part in an exhibition showing her stunning photographs.....

Francisca da Silva is taking part in an exhibition showing her stunning photographs.
Opens this wednesday, 7pm. Fábrica Braço de Prata, Portugal.